

Free access

Our prices - Your success

Get the most out of your sales process and get started now. Try NextSales free of charge for 7 days and see for yourself.


€ 950


  • Up to 100 new contact requests per day
  • 1 parallel Runner
  • Standard Model
  • Cloud Hosting

No hidden costs



€ 1,450


  • Up to 200 new contact requests per day
  • Up to 3 parallel Runner
  • Standard Model
  • Cloud Hosting

No hidden costs





  • Individually many new contact requests per day
  • Up to 5 parallel Runner
  • Fine-Tuned Model
  • On-Premise Hosting

No hidden costs


Do you still have questions or need help? Book an appointment with an expert now and get advice!

Questions to NextSales?

Frequently asked questions

Your questions should not be an obstacle, but a chance. We'll clear up any question marks for you.

What is NextSales?

NextSales is a AI-powered application that helps you automate your sales process.

Is there a limit for lead generation?

There is a set limit for lead generation depending on which plan you are, have a look at our pricing for more details on that topic. Our software facilitates lead generation through AI and every automated process up to the first consultation.

Why should I use your software?

Our software facilitates lead generation through the use of AI and automates the entire process up to the first consultation. This saves time and resources and increases the efficiency of your sales process.

Which languages does your process support?

We currently support english, german, spanish, french and swedish. If you need support for another language, please contact us and we'll figure out a solution. Our software is designed to work efficiently in different language environments.

Can I test your software for free?

Yes, you can test our software free of charge for 7 days. This allows you to experience all the features and benefits of our application without risk.

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